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Volunteers, Interns, Work Experience, Transition Years

National Museum of Ireland staff are in the process of implementing the return to full onsite access for diverse service users and visitors. Given our imperative to ensure a safe environment and high quality experience for all, we are not in a position to provide a holistic learning experience for Volunteers and Interns this year. We regret this inconvenience.
We are reviewing our internal processes and are planning an exciting multi-disciplinary programme for 2023.

Last updated: 31/08/2023


Transition Year Programme 2025

The Museum is delighted to host an exciting and interactive weeklong immersive Transition Year work experience in February 2025. Over the course of five days, you will have the opportunity to learn about the important work of preserving and presenting cultural heritage, engaging with communities and creating meaningful learning experiences, through a combination of talks and workshops with Museum staff, and hands-on activities. This work experience is intended for students thinking about pursuing a career in the museum and cultural heritage sector, but is also suitable for students with an interest in the role of museums in modern society.

More information, including access the application form to apply for the programme, can be found here: 

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