The Prehistoric Ireland guided tour explores the jobs of the archaeologist and historian, and the role of the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology. Strongly linked to the National Curriculum this tour focuses on Stone Age and Bronze Age peoples. Pupils will engage with artefacts from Mesolithic fish traps to Bronze Age swords and shields, using key objects from the Museum’s handling collection for a hands-on learning experience.
Guided Tour at a glance
Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class
Format: Facilitated onsite tour
Duration: 45-50 minutes
Capacity: 30 students max
Accessibility: Please note this tour takes place on the ground floor of the Museum and is fully accessible. If your group has any additional access concerns or requirements, please advise the Museum Bookings team in advance
Weekly Times: Tuesday 10am and 11:30am, Wednesday 10am, 11am and 12pm, Thursday 10:30am, 11.30am and 12:30pm.
Availability: Sessions availible to book before Easter. Summer term booking opening after February midterm.
Tuesdays 10am - Fully Booked
Tuesdays 11:30am - Fully Booked
Wednesdays 10am - Fully Booked
Wednesdays 11am - Fully Booked
Wednesdays 12pm - 2 Slots remaining
Thursdays 10:30am - Fully Booked
Thursdays 11.30am - Fully Booked
Thursdays 12:30pm - 5 Slots remaining
Booking: To enquire about this free onsite guided tour for your class please complete this enquiry form.
Curriculum Links - SESE History
Working as an Historian
Time and Chronology / Using Evidence / Change and Continuity / Cause and Effect / Synthesis and Communications / Empathy
Early Peoples and Ancient Societies
Stone Age peoples / Bronze Age peoples
Continuity and Change Over Time
Food and Farming / Clothes / Homes and Houses / Communications / Arts, Crafts, and Culture
Stories from the lives of the people in the past / Myths and Legends
Other Curriculum Links
SESE Geography
A Sense of Place and Space / Maps, Globes, and Graphical Skills / Human Environments / People and Other Lands / Natural Environments
SESE Science
Living Things / Materials / Environmental Awareness and Care
Learning outcomes
On completion of this live session students should be able to:
- Distinguish between the past, present and future. Develop an understanding of time and chronology through comparing the relative ages of people, objects and events. Record information about people and events in the past using simple timelines
- Develop an understanding of change and continuity by exploring similarities and differences between the past and the present
- Become familiar with aspects of the lives of these peoples: origins, homelands, homes of people, food and cooking, clothes, work and technologies, weapons, cultural or artistic achievements, myths and stories, faith and beliefs, leisure and pastimes, burial practices, links these people had with Ireland or Europe (as appropriate), arrival, settlement and life of these people in Ireland (as appropriate)
- Discuss links these people had with Ireland or Europe, arrival, settlement and life of these people in Ireland, relationship of these people with other civilisations, long-term contribution of these people