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Engineers Week: Make a Town

Design, make and keep your own classroom town!

Construct buildings, make roads and paths, cut, colour and create each building and put them into your town layout!

Participants may like to decorate with Matchbox cars or figurines and can work from their classroom to expand, make further buildings and perhaps even a whole city with Makermeet!

Activity at a Glance

Level: 5th and 6th Class
Group Size: Classroom size
Location: Virtual session recorded with planned class through Youtube 
Set-up: Class will be able to watch live and interact or pause and watch later in their own time.
Duration: 60 minutes, three parts
5 minutes: Introduction to National Museum of Ireland - Country Life and Engineers Week
50 minutes: Workshop
5 minutes: Conclusion and Q & A 
Availability: Thursday, 6 March 2025
Times: 11.30am to 12.30pm 
Booking: Booking required

Bookings and Information:

Please complete an online enquiry form and we will be in touch soon.

Alternatively, you can email the Bookings Office at or telephone (094) 90 31751. 


Curriculum Links: 

Science: Working scientifically - Questioning - Observing - Predicting - Investigating and experimenting - Estimating and Measuring - Analysing Sorting and Classifying Recognising Patterns - Interpreting - Recording and Communicating.

Designing and Making – Exploring Materials - Planning – Making Models – Evaluating.  Providing solutions to practical problems. 
Making Objects – Structure Characteristics – Form – Stability – Using a range of materials.
Environmental Awareness and Caring for the Environment – suggestion for environmental enhancement.  Identify positive aspects of the built environment.

Mathematics – Construct 3D shapes – Units of measure – Area – Capacity.

Visual Arts/Construction: Concepts and Skills - Awareness of Shape, Form, Texture, Pattern and Rhythm; Strands - Construction/Making constructions/Looking and Responding.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Awareness and Caring for the Environment – suggestion for environmental enhancement.  Identify positive aspects of the built environment.Mathematics – Construct 3D shapes – Units of measure – Area – Capacity.
  • Makermeet will provide details of the workshop prior to the date - including materials needed and instructions of where to get them. 
  • Makermeet will chat in real time with the teachers if any questions or difficulties
  • Apply and use scientific knowledge, skills and resources in designing and making tasks.
  • Explore and appreciate the influence that scientific and technological developments have on societies, lifestyles, economic activities and the environment.
  • Develop a sense of spatial awareness.
  • Combine and partition two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.
  • Draw, construct and manipulate two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.
  • We all build the project together!



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